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(Counter start: 28.January.2014)
Author Guidelines:
Both original research papers and reviews are welcomed. Review papers should deal with topics of general interest or of contemporary importance, being synthetic rather than comprehensive in emphasis. Authors of Review papers should consult with the editors before submission. Original research papers are welcomed both as full-length papers or short notes. The editors reserve the right to move manuscripts from one to other category.
When preparing the manuscript, the authors should check very carefully the �Author guidelines� section.
Manuscripts may be rejected without peer review if they do not comply with the instructions to authors or are beyond the aim and scope of the journal.
All manuscripts must be accompanied by the Cover Letter. This form must be completed and signed by all the authors before processing of the manuscript can begin. Please read it carefully! How to find? ScopusID: <> ResearcherID: <> ORCID: <>
I. Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Before submitting any material, please read carefully our journal ethical and publication malpractice statement. In order to avoid any type of publication malpractice each submission must be accomplished by our journal sample �Cover Letter� signed by all of the authors. Until to sign the �Cover Letter� please read carefully the �Declaration� section at the end of the letter (above the signatures). Originality, double submission and plagiarism: The manuscript submitted must represents the author�s original work and has not been published and is not being submitted or considered for publication elsewhere (also see our �Cover Letter�). Submitting your paper for evaluation concomitant to other journals is unacceptable. In such cases the manuscript will be rejected automatically and all of the authors lose the right to submit and publish manuscript to/in the �Biharean Biologist� and to/in other, �sister journals� (�sister journals� means journals of the same publisher and related publishers with cooperation agreement). Also the editor of our journal will inform the editor of the other journal about the situation of the submitted manuscript. The authors need to ensure that the original data in their manuscript can be clearly distinguished by the one published in other scientific papers. The authors of the manuscript need to ensure that the text, illustrations, and any other materials included in the manuscript do not infringe upon any existing copyright or other rights of anyone (also see our �Cover Letter�). Papers with any type of plagiarism will be rejected automatically and the authors lose the right to submit and publish manuscript to/in our journal and to/in other, �sister journals�. In the case if the authors try to publish again an already published paper (being their own data or data of other authors) the editor of the �Biharean Biologist� will inform the editor of the other journal in which was published the original paper. In such situations the editor of the �Biharean Biologist� also will inform the founding agency (in the case if exist), the institution, and also the reviewers. Authorship and collective responsibility: All authors listed in the manuscript need to meet the authorship criteria and all of them participated in the work in a substantive way and are prepared to take public responsibility for the work (also see our �Cover Letter�). All authors have contributed to the manuscript and that common agreement has been reached before submission (also see our �Cover Letter�). In other case the manuscript can�t be accepted for evaluation in order to be published in the �Biharean Biologist�. The sample �Cover Letter�: Our �Cover Letter� in which appear all of the above mentioned ethical statements must be signed by all of the authors. Manuscripts submitted without the �Biharean Biologist��s sample �Cover Letter� or with a not all author signed one, will be rejected. Methodological ethics: The authors of articles that are based on experiments that caused injuries or death of animals should explain and justify the grounds of the study and state that the scientific results of the study is at least in trade-off with the sufferings caused. In the Materials and Methods of the manuscript, authors should detail as precisely the conditions of maintenance, transport, anaesthesia, and marking of animals. When available, references should be added to justify that the techniques used were not invasive. When alternative non-harming techniques exist, but were not used, the manuscripts may not be considered for publication. Peer-review: The editors of the �Biharean Biologist� reserve the right to reject manuscripts without peer-review if they do not comply the author�s guidelines or are beyond the aim and scope of the journal. Each paper will be sent to at least two independent reviewers. If there are inconsistencies between the reviewers, a third reviewer will be asked to review the manuscript. The editor will decide the acceptance or rejection of the manuscripts according to these reviews. References: See more about publication ethics at the following links: EASE June 2012, EASE toolkit, and other materials from the EASE web page.
II. Preparation of the manuscript:
Manuscripts must be submitted in electronic version only, as well as the original figures and tables. The manuscript text should be MS-Word processed, typed throughout in letter quality with font size 12, Times New Roman, without footnotes, without section breaks(!), double spaced (about 30 lines per page), line numbered (do not use page numbers!), on A4 (210 x 297mm) paper, with margins of at 25mm on each side. All pages should be numbered consecutively in the bottom, right-hand corner.
For all types of papers, the title page must contain and only contain the following: title of paper (bold); name(s) of the author(s); address of the Institution where the work was done, and the name and address of the corresponding author with an email address. Provide a title that is concise but also an informative synthesis of the study. Where appropriate, include mention of the family or higher taxa. Please provide a short running title of five words or less.
We publish two type of Research articles: both as full-length papers (>1.200 words, >four printed pages) or short papers (700-1.200 words, approx. one-two printed pages), natural history and fauna notes (300-600 words).
The abstract of maximum 300 words should summarize the essential results and conclusions. The introduction has to be a concise description of the background, rationale, aims and specific objectives of the paper. Key words: all of the manuscripts, including short notes must contain abstract and at least 5 key words. Materials and methods have to provide sufficient information to permit repetition of the experiment and/or fieldwork. The technical description of study methods should be given only if such methods are new; otherwise a short presentation is enough. The Results section must be a concise presentation of the finding of the study. Avoid the presentation of same information as text and/or figure and/or table. Discussion section should be separate from the results section at full-length papers and should deal with the significance of the results and their relationship to the aims of the paper. Also include how the findings of the paper will change, influence the state of our knowledge about model organism. Short Notes (generally less than four-five manuscript pages) should be produced as continuous text, preceded by an abstract of no more than 150 words.
Cited sources should be referred to as follows: (Huey & Pianka 1981, Pianka 1989, Haydon et al. 1997). All authors of a paper should be cited in the list of references. References "in press" shall only be cited when they have been accepted for publication. Avoid quoting unpublished reports or thesis. Names of persons who provided unpublished information should be cited as follows: �(Andersson, Stockholm, pers. comm. 2005)�. List references alphabetically by author under References and date of publication at the same author. Because the Biharean Biologist wants to promote research of current interest, the references must contain titles published in the past two years (including the submission year) in other leading journals. Journal and series names have to be spelled out fully. We doesn't accept abbreviated journal titles. For old journals you can try the following links to get their full titles: Use the following format for references section: Hard copy publications: Haydon, D.T., Crother, B.I., Pianka. E.R. (1994): New directions in biogeography? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 9: 403-406. Sokal, R.R., Rohlf, F.J. (1995): Biometry. The principles and practice of statistics in biological research. 3rd Edition. W. H. Freeman & co, New York. Huey, R.B., Pianka, E.R. (1983): Temporal separation of activity and interspecific dietary overlap (with an Appendix by S. L. Pimm). pp. 281-296. In: Huey, R.B.,. Pianka, E.R., Schoener, T.W. (eds.), Lizard Ecology: Studies of a Model Organism. Harvard University Press. Online publications: Smielowski, J (2003): Monitoring of Polish market of pet animals covered by CITES convention. Bibloteka Ekologiczna. Poznan. <, accessed at: 2005.02.20.> Mercurio, V., Andreone, F. (2008): New distribution data of the green mantella, Mantella viridis, from northern Madagascar (Anura: Mantellidae). Herpetology Notes 1: Art.#01, pp. 3-9.
Statistics. Mean values should always be accompanied by some measure of variation. If the goal is to describe variation among individuals that contribute to the mean standard deviation (SD) must be used. When the aim is to illustrate the precision of the mean use rather confidence intervals (CI) than standard errors (SE). Avoid using the sign �, instead present means as: mean 13.15 (1SD: 3.30); 13.15 (1SE: 1.04) or 13. 15 [95%CI: 10.78 � 15.51]. Proportions also must be quoted together with a measure of variation according to the respective binomial or multinomial distribution. Sample sizes always have to be noted. The last paragraph of Materials and Methods section should briefly present the significance test used. Quote when possible the used software. Real p values must be quoted both at significance or non-significance. The use of the sign is acceptable only at low values of p (e.g. p<0.0001).
Ethics. The authors of articles that are based on experiments that caused injuries or death of animals should explain and justify the grounds of the study and state that the scientific results of the study is at least in trade-off with the sufferings caused. In the Materials and Methods of the manuscript, authors should detail as precisely the conditions of maintenance, transport, anaesthesia, and marking of animals. When available, references should be added to justify that the techniques used were not invasive. When alternative non-harming techniques exist, but were not used, the manuscripts may not be considered for publication.
Word 2007. Unfortunately, the journal cannot accept Microsoft Word 2007 documents. Please use Word's 'Save As' option therefore to save your document as an older (2003 or later) *.doc file type. Word 2013-up. The authors have the full responsibility to set up the correct template and compatibility with XP and 2003 versions! Papers with formatting inconsistencies are denied from proofing.
Tables and Figures: All illustrations, including charts, photos, illustrations must be labeled as Figures. At the end of the manuscript, before the tables and figures must have a table and figure caption page. All tables and figures must be numbered consecutively and given at the end of the manuscript. Landscape Tables must be sent in separate Ms Word (*doc) file. If the Ms Word file (*doc) exceed 1-1.5MB all of the figures must be sent in a separate *pdf file. After the paper is accepted the editors will ask for figures in *jpg or *tif format with 300Dpi. Color Figures: The editors reserve the right to decide what figures are justified and can be published in RGB color (another figures will be removed or published in black and white).
Acknowledgements: In this section you can acknowledge the help/assistance of different peoples who contributed to the work but can't be co-authors of the manuscript (field help, translator, spelling editor, statistician, even reviewers etc.). In the acknowledgement section please mention all of founding sources. To standardized founding text please check the following reference (link): RIN 2008. In the lack of founding sources please use the following text "This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors." (also see in: RIN 2008, EASE June 2012)
The structure of the manuscript: <sample cover letter is attached> 1.Title page (title, authors full name, authors affiliation, corresponding author); 2. Abstract page (Abstract, key words, running title); 3. The main text of the manuscript (Introduction, Materials and methods, Result, Discussion); 4. References; 5. Acknowledgement and Founding text 6. Table and figure captions following the tables and figures.
III. Peer-Review: Step 1. All of the registered manuscripts will get a MS number with the following formula: bb.YY.No. (YY-submission year, eg.10 for 2010; No.- the number of the manuscript in the above criteria). The editors will send you the registration mail in maximum a month. The authors must use their Ms number in the subject of any emails referring to their paper. The editor(s) will not answer to requests that doesn't respect this criteria. Step 2. Each paper will be reviewed by 2-3 independent reviewers. Each paper will be sent to at least two independent reviewers. Since the review process is a time and energy consuming work, the editors will acknowledge their effort by respecting their proposals entirely. If there are inconsistencies between the reviewers, a third reviewer will be asked to review the manuscript. The editor will decide the acceptance or rejection of the manuscripts according to these reviews. Periodically, the journal will list the name of the reviewers, acknowledging them their work in a separate note. Moreover, a paper may be rejected without external review if the editors think that it is unacceptable for publication (see the top of the guidelines page). Step 3. Formally accepted manuscripts will be send to English language editors to verify the spelling. Only spelling checked (final acceptance date) manuscripts are proofed.
IV. Proofs and Reprints: Proof will be sent to the first (or corresponding) author only once and it should be returned without delay. Corrections should be limited to typographical errors. The proof corrections must be suggested using the review option (text editing, check box, etc.) in a *pdf file editor software (like Adobe Acrobat or CutePDF Prof.). We doesn't accept the corrections by resending the original *doc file. Following publication, the first (or corresponding) author will be provided a free *pdf copy of the article. Any non-editorial error proof correction will be charged! To indicate errors in the proof please use i.e. the "Comments -> Anntotations" tools of Adobe Acrobat: (to enlarge click on the image)
Paper submission contactGeneral biology
Kerim CICEK:
Daniel-Răzvan POP:
Plant science and biotechnologyAdriana PETRUS-VANCEA:
Romanian faunaAlfred-Stefan CICORT-LUCACIU:
LepidopteraCristian SITAR:
Geanina Magdalena SITAR:
Editorial contactEditor in chief
Diana CUPSA: