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(Oltenia for Studies in natural Sciences)



Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice

[This statement is common with our sister journals, such as the Biharean Biologist, Herpetologica Romanica, North-Western Journal of Zoology, South-western Journal of Horticulture, Biology and Environment]

Before submitting any material, please read carefully our journal ethical and publication malpractice statement. In order to avoid any type of publication malpractice each submission must be accomplished by our journal sample “Cover Letter” signed by all of the authors. Until to sign the “Cover Letter” please read carefully the “Declaration” section at the end of the letter (above the signatures).

Originality, double submission and plagiarism:

The manuscript submitted must represents the author’s original work and has not been published and is not being submitted or considered for publication elsewhere (also see our “Cover Letter”).

Submitting your paper for evaluation concomitant to other journals is unacceptable. In such cases the manuscript will be rejected automatically and all of the authors lose the right to submit and publish manuscript to/in the “Oltenia - Studii si Comunicari Stiintele Naturii” and to/in other, “sister journals” (“sister journals” means journals of the same publisher and related publishers with cooperation agreement). Also the editor of our journal will inform the editor of the other journal about the situation of the submitted manuscript.

The authors need to ensure that the original data in their manuscript can be clearly distinguished by the one published in other scientific papers. The authors of the manuscript need to ensure that the text, illustrations, and any other materials included in the manuscript do not infringe upon any existing copyright or other rights of anyone (also see our “Cover Letter”). Papers with any type of plagiarism will be rejected automatically and the authors lose the right to submit and publish manuscript to/in our journal and to/in other, “sister journals”. In the case if the authors try to publish again an already published paper (being their own data or data of other authors) the editor of the “Oltenia - Studii si Comunicari Stiintele Naturii” will inform the editor of the other journal in which was published the original paper. In such situations the editor of the “Oltenia - Studii si Comunicari Stiintele Naturii” also will inform the founding agency (in the case if exist), the institution, and also the reviewers.

Authorship and collective responsibility:

All authors listed in the manuscript need to meet the authorship criteria and all of them participated in the work in a substantive way and are prepared to take public responsibility for the work (also see our “Cover Letter”). All authors have contributed to the manuscript and that common agreement has been reached before submission (also see our “Cover Letter”). In other case the manuscript can’t be accepted for evaluation in order to be published in the “Oltenia - Studii si Comunicari Stiintele Naturii”.

The sample “Cover Letter”:

Our “Cover Letter“ in which appear all of the above mentioned ethical statements must be signed by all of the authors. Manuscripts submitted without the “Oltenia - Studii si Comunicari Stiintele Naturii”’s sample “Cover Letter” or with a not all author signed one, will be rejected.

Methodological ethics:

The authors of articles that are based on experiments that caused injuries or death of animals should explain and justify the grounds of the study and state that the scientific results of the study is at least in trade-off with the sufferings caused. In the Materials and Methods of the manuscript, authors should detail as precisely the conditions of maintenance, transport, anaesthesia, and marking of animals. When available, references should be added to justify that the techniques used were not invasive. When alternative non-harming techniques exist, but were not used, the manuscripts may not be considered for publication.


The editors of the “Oltenia - Studii si Comunicari Stiintele Naturii” reserve the right to reject manuscripts without peer-review if they do not comply the author’s guidelines or are beyond the aim and scope of the journal. Each paper will be sent to at least two independent reviewers. If there are inconsistencies between the reviewers, a third reviewer will be asked to review the manuscript. The editor will decide the acceptance or rejection of the manuscripts according to these reviews.


See more about publication ethics at the following links: EASE June 2012, EASE toolkit, and other materials from the EASE web page.







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